Submitted by Tamara on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 20:06.
Arbelast said that to get Fenrir I needed to know five level 70 SMN's (which I don't). At least that is how I recall how the conversation went (I may be off on the details).
For Non-SMN fights (okay, you might have one level 75 SMN like Avatarx in your party) I don't know what the party make-up would be. It is my understanding that to get Fenrir for a group of folks those folks would have to bring six level 70 jobs to the fight (someday I will be level 70 WHM). So a couple of questions:
1) Is the Clan Big Enough to do level 70 Fenrir Fights and win 60%+ of the time?
2) Are there any decent level 70 Fenrir Fight Strategies that anyone knows of?