Submitted by Kaliv on Mon, 04/03/2006 - 14:51.
On AF3? Need help? So do we. -.^
When: Wensday April 5th and Wensday April 12th.
Alright, so. I know there's at least Piskowit and Myself who have done all we need to do up until the actual NM fight for our final piece of shiny AF. I'm wondering who else is in the same boat? I know Tam's gotta be getting close to needing her's. I'd like to arrange 2 runs: this wensday and next, to kill our respective NMs. This week's run will consist of helping those who are ready for their fight, and depending on who needs it, helping those who need a drop get theirs for next weeks run. Looking at the list, most classes can get their pop item from the AH...guess PLD and WHM got lucky like that -.- Next week will be for those who need a little time to prep, given that this is short notice.
PLD-Kill 2 Orc NMs in Davoi: PLD and RNG
WHM-Kill a Shadow NM in Fei'Yin
Well, Wensdays don't work.
As the heading stays, wendsdays turned out to be a flop. Turns out that for numerous reasons, be it statics or dynamis or classes, the only ones to show have been the people who need the fight. Keep in mind, I understand, RL and weekly events take precidence. Unfortunantly, it's midterm season again here at college, and wensdays are one of the few days that tend to work. As such, well. I'm stepping down the event. If someone else would like to lead it on another day, then by all means step up, and hopefully, me and Pisk can help. Thanks to those who showed up and who would have. Good luck to everyone else who needs their AF3.
Dragoon AF3......
Any chance we could take a crack at DRG helm is 2 Shadows in Temple of Uggalepih needs some good level DDs
AF3 NM's (sam)
Saying this is an AF3 NM thread, i was wondering if we could do samauri AF3 as well. Its in Pal. Mines BC. 1 fight, 3 deamons.
A pt of some high level people should be able to win this easy.
(kit other deamons while killing one, some healing, some DD.....WIN)
Sign me up. If you can grab a couple of DD, we should be ready...
FWIW: I cannot make the other events listed in this thread. I have class on Wed. nights.
Sure thing. I never set an actual time, so I guess I'll do it here. Flexibly, we'll start around 7pm-8pm Central time.
As to the WHM AF3 fight...yea. I did that once, a long time ago for a friend who has since quit. Wow. It was beastly. Granted, over half our party was 60 or less. I don't remember our setup, but our 60+ nin tank died about 4-6 times due to being a taru hit by a mob that liked to use Dimensional Death. We ended up near wiping and kiting it around Feiyin....literally everywhere. I was only 52 at the time and not much help. One thing to note: Kiting around the area is dangerous due to all the undead.
WHM Shadow
Just a FWIW, that Shadow is a pain in the ass!
Basically, bring LOTS OF DAMAGE DEALERS. Bring people to nuke, punch, and generally suck this mobs HP dry... because he has a lot of it. And he hits HARD.
If you're not careful, you could pop him, have everyone in your party 2 hour (including 2 MNKs 70+ and 2 WHMs Bene) and STILL have everyone wipe.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Vivec, Lyore, Faramir for the Win!
LOL! Three level 75's Hasted. They took him apart =^_^=
You need WHM with Cure IV targeted and at the ready. Two WHM with Cure IV targeted on different DD is even better.
The NM Shadow appears to be IMMUNE to STUN.
SMN for the Win!
"This is fairly easy to solo as 75 smn/whm using all Carbuncle"
If you don't go the Vermillion Cloak, Carbuncle Mitts, Apollo's Staff route then it seems an Alliance of Ten (with Elemental Seal and Silence) is recommended.
Personally I would not be surprised if I never own WHM AF Body =^_^=
** edit ** so I was wrong since I now own it! LOL!
AF Body
Yes, one day it would be nice to have all my AF Gear =^_^=
I typically do not play FFXI on Wednesdays until very late; other commitments.
Sorry, working off of 3 hours of sleep and redbull. Forgot to finish my list.
If you're job is listed, here's what you'll need to farm for AF3. All others should be able to get items from AH.
PLD-Zvahl Coffer Key--Coffer Mobs---Zvahl Baileys
WHM-Tavnazian Bell---Dark Stalkers---Necropolis
NIN-Kuftal Coffer Key-Coffer Mobs---Kuftal Tunnel
DRG-Kuftal Coffer Key-Coffer Mobs---Kuftal Tunnel
DRK-Quadav Blood----Topaz Quadavs-----Beadeaux