Submitted by Milotheshort on Sat, 07/08/2006 - 18:08.
So yesterday was interesting:
I got picked up in a pt... {party} {bibiki Bay}?
so i figured what the hell and promptly went out to the bay... got out there and got right into the fight with only 200 mp, the fights were impressivly well articulated, smooth, with knocking down chain 7's no problem... but the talk of the expansion area lead us to wonder if we would be better fighting mirids... so after the pld lvld we all hightailed it to artablahblah. Besieged had started and a few members got locked inside, the rest of use were locked out on account of the area being so full. o'l so after that our whm dc'd... so we were forced to pick up Mali...
we went out to fight mirids and i was on chigoe duty, so i put up rr and got to work... after a resist by one i got killed meanwhile when i was dieing i recieved no cures from the whm... wtf? so i got back up got back to work, got lvled 2 more times... before it was possible to still earn exp after dieing on mirids as long as you got up in enough time... however, you can't earn exp on any chigoes... so we decided to zone the ackward beasts. thx se yet another pointless mob, before i would have said that mirids had a purpose, now i'd say your a retard to try. So we decied to move to nashermu and try our hand at imps... i tell everyone ahead of time to grab echo drops... sadly the whm and myself are the only ones who do... ohh at this point too we have to replace the rdm... so we pick up the fucktard extrodonar... slow on refreshes, and doesn't silence the mob even after my repeated requests... so i'm like great... the pld didn't bring drops the whm is slow to cure and rdm is just retarded... oh the other retarded thing the rdm did once i silenced the imp with an elm seal, so he starts spamming silence on it ><... your blahblahblah has no effect means either mob is immune or someone has one stuck to it already... hurray! but hey who cares the rdm could be refreshing and not wasteing mp ><... so what happens i get into an argument with the prick whm about my stunning ability... umm hello stun has a long recast timer on it. I can't spam it. Yell at the rdm who isn't doing his job... and do your job too... so long story short i die 4x under this whm watchful eye, to boot i was the only one to ever 2hr... hmmm whm afraid to benadiction = lame, especialy with rrII... gawd.
just some thoughts after reading this...
A lvl 66 blm should not be fighting imps and marids
I would say an effective imp or marid party would be 69+
I my travels I have never seen any 66 parties lvling on imps or marids for the reason that they are too hard.
Try dahmals in bikiki bay (spelling) ( the tier 2 ones ) they are great for 66-69
Also.... I the whole time i
Also.... the whole time I have partied from 66+ i have only been with 2 blm's ( maily for the reason that they are too slow for the pt's liking, and refuse to heal) Honestly if you want 7k+ exp /hr get into a good DD party and just opt. to help heal.
( oh also on marid pt's, if you being the blm have time to get off your Fire3 or whatever spell to kill the chico's in one hit, then your melee arn;t doing a good job in killing the chico's fast enough. ) chico's mess up a tank ( espically ninja's )
What I have noticed even in other pts that have been in the surrounding area, is that ones with blm's have been slower as they are waiting on them to recover magic.
Hands down fastest exp i have gotten are parties with the set up of
DD x3, Tank, Healing, Healing
So if you ever have the option to 'suggest' what your party should comprise of you might want to think of that.
Here is a question: Have you ever for a good half hour just healed for the most part along with the other main healer ( maybe toss a bio2 in there ) and see what u get for exp? Idk your pt set up's but maybe u should take a different approach if u want to lvl up faster?
just my observations
let me clear up a few things about BLM
As Cyc has now learned, BLM isn't a healer class... my healing is 99 at current capped, i only have access to cure II and curaga II when i heal it's about as effective as pissing in a lake. BLM job is MB... i actual Duel Burst which is uncommon for BLM, and stun Tp based attacks... most NA parties prefer Dia II >>> Bio II and blm often get yelled at for casting it. We have huge MP pools so we naturaly = down time, however i tend to manage my mp better than most.
Mirids = waste of time ne more. SE made Chigoes too weak, so i don't suggest fighting mirids ne more at all. Its a waste of time.
Imps = i kept suggesting the flies out in the area over imps because i knew how evil they are. Part of the reason i suggested we bring echo drops, however... the whm was refusing to silana the tank even tho the tank didn't bring echo drops... he seemed to think this was a huge problem, however in the dunes no one brings antidotes and lizzies poison is determental at those lvls its expected for whm to poisna and be able to correctly identify poisened pt members... Its not like he was actual curing... did i mention i died 4x? and never once recieved a cure. It was horse shit, if i die 4x in a pt, don't complain about me not doing my job, infact if "I" as a BLM in your PT pull hate "YOU" are doing something wrong. I'm a huge advocate against BLM spammers. I think they hurt us all, i don't think its cute when a BLm tries to fight the tank for hate just because they feel they can. If i do mis-cast and pull hate i appologize and blame no one for my own carelessness.... WHat i'm sick of is ppl not maning up to there jobs, there roles and there responsibilities. Please do us all a favor and switch jobs if its too much for you, or quit all together.
Well all i can say is after reading that I know why blm's arn't invited to parties.
Yepp ; ;
The only ppl that wanted BLM power decreased are retards who've never played the job and thought they knew the total mechanics of the job. In fact blm only reach full power with end game gear and merits... ; ;
I swear its the curse of the blms... you're either going to get terrible pts and slow exp or no invites at all :( .../thank you SE
Lately ive been on the fast track......backwards, so you have all my sympathy ~.o