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Whooo.. I just loged off and the Garrison was great!! I know I didn't get there in time for all them but I got in on 3 and they were excellent. They went so fast I never knew what wave we were on.
We got alot of Items and Dragon Chronicles.
I can't wait untill the next one!!
Late Notice
Yeah, I suck, so sue me. I'll be there to fight. WAR/NIN ready and able.
This is going to be a real wild card night... I've gotten confirmation from a couple dozen folks, but not everyone has confirmed on the site. So... who knows :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
I'm Sorry
I just got called into work at 1:00 Pm, they want me to come in at 4:00 and they want me to close. I won't be able to get on untill about 10:00ish. XD
I hope I can still jion at that time, if everyones still doing Garrisons.
Again I'm sorry for not being able to come at the start but tonight there is new sales tags that have to be put out for next week.
yes of course
I'll be there and I'll play very similar role as lastime if thats whats needed of me. Holder, seller and distributor of items/funds. as well as kiter of mob with a blm team mate for spawn delay. i have items for many many garrisons and i know others are currently gathering ^^;
I'll see you all there
Yeah I figured you'd join, I just don't want to commit anyone to anything without their permission :-)
If it's alright with you, I think we will have you kite again. That worked very well the last time.
As for pool holder, last time it really was more out of necessity than anything (you had the most free space). I may have more space this time, and since you will probably be using a Garrison item this time (and getting your pick of the items that drop from it) I might just be pool master to help keep the pool seperate from your specific items.
Of course... I need to check my free space before I can commit to that :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Friend join
I have a rl friend who is intrested in joining us for the Event. He has a lvl 62 BRD and other jobs over 30. However, he might be busy when we start, but might be able to join later.
Is it alright if I give him and another of my rl friends, a Link Pearl?
I will be able to come as a WHM/BLM.
I would like some help getting the Mithra Sack needed for this LS Event though.
I'll help...
Coordinating time, however, will be rough.
Honestly, you may be the only Bastokian we have... so if we don't get you one it will only be one Garrison we'll be short on (i.e., it may not be a big deal.
You can still participate in the others... of course.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Thank You
Thank you Sam.
Arb said he'd help me get it on Friday.
this arbelast. count me in i
this arbelast. count me in i am going as pld/war or war/thf for dd
Hey All...^^
First time wrote something here this website...^^
lazy i guess...^^
Sure count me in...^^
Whm/rdm or Thf/nin...^^
Later all...^^
Firewing and I
Should be ready to roll. My wife may be heading to MS to help her mother get some items out of her house. I believe I should be around, but will wait til Thr. or Fri. to confirm.
You have your Black Mage I'll be sure to be there.
Kitchel THF
Kitchel says she can join us for garrison. But she can't log on till 6pm PDT. But that's OK, since we will probably be doing serveral of these late into the night.
grrr im still having trouble getting on here so i dunno....ask trix for the details :) lol
Count me in
Thersites can be a Tank (WAR/NIN) or Damage Dealer (WAR/MNK or WAR/THF) Also, one of our new LS members asked me to post that she will be available for LS events on Friday or Saturday: Tamara (WHM)
Num :-)
Num... DRK :-)
If we really need more tanks, we may have you be WAR/MNK. But my bet is we could use DRK more.
Vis Maior's Journeys